3 Importing Goods Tips – When your new to importing goods!
When you start importing goods, there’s a lot to arrange and consider. These 3 Importing Goods Tips will help you avoid the biggest import traps when you start.
Are you legally able to import your items?
Before you spend time, effort or money you should start with only one thing. Making sure that you’re allowed to import your goods. There are numerous restrictions on items and it would be a shame to spend all that time for nothing.
Know your incoterm
Before you start arranging import orders, you’ll need to understand trading terms used by importers and exporters, and you’ll need to be sure that both parties are using commonly accepted understandings of these terms.
Use a Customs Broker.
Almost anyone can clear goods on their own. But when it becomes difficult or even worse, when it goes wrong, you might be heading into a lot of headaches and stress. Don’t cut on you costs and use a Customs Broker. He’s the experts in the process of clearing goods across the border.