Which modality in your logistics pipeline is the greenest?

Carbon footprint in logistics:

More and more we are discussing the carbon footprint we leave on this world.

Global warming and environmental statements are the highlights of discussions during summits.

But what is a carbon footprint in logistics?

CO2-footprint or Carbon footprint is a standard for the emission of CO2 produced by the use of fossil fuels in all transport modalities.

Do you know which modality in your logistics pipeline is the greenest?

Let’s give you a little insight on various transport modes and the carbon footprint it leaves on this world.

Transport mode

grams CO2/tonne-km

Road transport 62
Rail transport 22
Barge transport 31
Short Sea 16
Intermodal road/rail 26
Intermodal road/barge 34
Intermodal road/short sea 21
Deep-sea 8
Airfreight 602

*          Above mentioned are average CO2-emissions

Below you will find an example calculation based on the average CO2-emission per modality:

Transport mode







grams CO2/


Tonnes CO2 / transport

Road transport 25 1.200 30.000 62 1.860
Rail transport 25 1.200 30.000 22 660
Barge transport 25 1.200 30.000 31 930
Short Sea 25 1.200 30.000 16 480
Intermodal road/rail 25 1.200 30.000 26 780
Intermodal road/barge 25 1.200 30.000 34 1.020
Intermodal road/short sea 25 1.200 30.000 21 630
Deep-sea 25 1.200 30.000 8 240
Airfreight 25 1.200 30.000 602 18.060


So, how can you reduce the carbon footprint on your transports?

That simple! Just contact VN Logistics and we will offer you the greenest solution based on your request.